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  • Sunspot060310

    06/04/2010 | The K7RA Solar Update

    The average daily sunspot numbers were up nine points to 25.3 for this week, compared to the May 20-26 period; the average daily planetary A index rose nearly 10 points to 14.3, and this rise in geomagnetic instability came with the increase in solar acti
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  • Sunspot052810

    05/28/2010 | The K7RA Solar Update

    This weekend is the CQ WPX CW Contest and conditions may be a little rough. Our current sunspot group 1072 has reached the Sun’s western horizon and is shrinking, and to top it all off, what looked like a possible emerging spot on Wednesday was not to be.
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  • Sunspot052010

    05/21/2010 | The K7RA Solar Update

    Eleven days with no sunspots, but something emerged late Thursday, and it may be the return of old sunspot group 1069. Sunspot group 1069 was visible from May 4-8 before disappearing over the horizon. The return of that sunspot gives a daily sunspot numbe
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  • Sunspot051410

    05/14/2010 | The K7RA Solar Update

    This lack of sunspots is bothersome. Thursday -- May 13 -- is the fifth day in a row with no spots, and there is no sign of any change. The solar flux has been declining and is now below 70. The predicted solar flux for May 14-19 is 70, then 74 on May 20,
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  • Sunspot050610

    05/07/2010 | The K7RA Solar Update

    Sunspots made a strong return this week -- and so did geomagnetic activity. The average daily solar flux increased 4.2 points to 79.6; on Wednesday, May 5, the daily sunspot number reached 77, the highest in nearly four years. The sunspot number hasn’t be
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  • sunspot042210

    04/23/2010 | The K7RA Solar Update

    A Sun with no sunspots! The quiet Sun returned -- through Thursday, April 22, there have been eight days straight with no sunspots. A new spot began to emerge on Wednesday, but it quickly faded. For the next 10 days NOAA/USAF predict solar flux at 78, 78,
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  • Sunspot041510

    04/16/2010 | The K7RA Solar Update

    Weakened sunspots faded this week, and we were buffeted with more geomagnetic instability, but without the dramatic geomagnetic storms of the previous week. The average daily sunspot numbers fell more than 20 points to 12.1, and the average solar flux dro
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